I. General Rules

  1. The Fun Run Games are organized for the purpose of communication, and the organizing committee hopes that all participating athletes can complete the race safely and without injuries. Participants are allowed to strive for better results within reasonable limits but please prioritize self-protection. All participants must check in and sign a liability waiver before the race.
  2. The Fun Run Club has rented the venue for this event from the Surrey Municipal Government, so only participating athletes, volunteers, and spectators are allowed entry into the venue. Other individuals who usually exercise at this venue will be asked to leave by the volunteers.
  3. Participants, volunteers, and on-site spectators are expected to follow the instructions of the organizing committee, maintain order at the venue, and ensure the smooth and safe progress of the event.
  4. For safety reasons, all participants are not allowed to wear spiked shoes.
  5. Relay teams are advised to wear uniforms to avoid confusion during baton exchanges.
  6. The organizing committee has appointed a group of referees and a chief referee. Due to limited equipment and the significant margin of error in manual recording of results, the rankings for this event will be determined by the referee group. The referee group will use video equipment at the finish line to assist in determining the rankings. The decisions made by the referee group will be final.
  7. The organizing committee has the final decision-making authority on all matters related to the event.

II. Schedule

  1. Entry begins at 8:00 AM, with athletes checking in, signing liability waivers, and warming up.
  2. The official competition starts at 8:30 AM. Individual events will be held first, followed by team events, and the sprint challenge will be the final event. Entertainment activities may be interspersed as appropriate. All events are expected to conclude between 12:00 PM and 2:00 PM. The exact start times of each event cannot be estimated, so participants must arrive early and allocate sufficient time for registration and warm-up.
  3. Before the start of each event, participating athletes/team captains must go to the referee group at the finish line to draw lots to determine their lanes.
  4. In principle, each event will be held once to determine all rankings. If the number of participants/teams in a particular event exceeds 8, there will be two heats in the preliminary round, and the top three from each heat will advance to the final. The Parent-Child 2x200m relay will have three heats in the preliminary round, with the top two from each heat advancing to the final. The organizing committee will adjust the schedule on-site to ensure sufficient rest time between the preliminary and final rounds. The 1600m race will not be divided into heats as it is a longer distance, and all participants will compete together.
  5. After all events have concluded, an award ceremony will be held. The first-place winner of each event will receive a trophy (sponsored by Hariyall Yoga Institute), and prizes will be awarded to the top two participants in each event.
  6. If at the start of a particular event there are fewer than 3 participants/teams present, the organizing committee may delay the start of that event until there are enough participants/teams (latecomers will not be eligible for the race). If there is still a shortage of participants/teams to meet the minimum requirement of 3, the event will be canceled.
  7. Order of events:
    • Men’s 100m Preliminary Heat 1
    • Men’s 100m Preliminary Heat 2
    • Women’s 100m
    • Men’s 100m Final
    • Youth 100m
    • Men’s 400m Preliminary Heat 1
    • Men’s 400m Preliminary Heat 2
    • Women’s 400m
    • Men’s 400m Final
    • Youth 800m
    • Men’s 1600m
    • Women’s 1600m
    • Mixed 4x100m Relay
    • Parent-Child 2x200m Relay Preliminary Heat 1
    • Parent-Child 2x200m Relay Preliminary Heat 2
    • Mixed 4x400m Relay
    • Parent-Child 2x200m Relay Preliminary Heat 3
    • Parent-Child 2x200m Relay Final
    • 100m Sprint Challenge
    • 400m Sprint Challenge

III. Event Specifics

  1. The following events are divided into lanes, and lane infringement is prohibited: Individual 100m, Individual 400m, 4x100m Relay, Parent-Child 2x200m Relay, and Sprint Challenge. Field referees will be present to determine whether participants have infringed on lanes and if baton exchanges occur within the designated zones. Violators may have their results invalidated.
  2. The following events have staggered starts, and lane infringement is allowed once athletes have reached the designated distance/point: Individual 800m and 4x400m Relay. Field referees will ensure that athletes only start infringing on lanes at the specified points. Violators may have their results invalidated.
  3. Special arrangements are made for the Individual 1600m race. Due to the large number of participants, athletes will start from evenly distributed positions across 8 lanes and can infringe on lanes once they have reached a specified point. Specific instructions will be provided by the organizing committee on-site.
  4. Individual 100m race is conducted in lanes. It will have a starting referee and a flag referee, and athletes will start upon hearing the sound of the starting gun.
  5. Individual 400m race is conducted in lanes. It will have a starting referee, and athletes will start upon hearing the sound of the starting gun.
  6. Individual 1600m race starts in lanes, and athletes are allowed to change lanes when they enter the straight section. It will have a starting referee, and athletes will start upon hearing the sound of the starting gun. There will be a field referee at the lane infringement section to ensure that athletes do not commit a foul by infringing on lanes prematurely.
  7. Individual 800m race starts in lanes, and athletes are allowed to change lanes when they enter the straight section. It will have a starting referee, and athletes will start upon hearing the sound of the starting gun. There will be a field referee at the lane infringement section to ensure that athletes do not commit a foul by infringing on lanes prematurely.
  8. Mixed 4x100m Relay is conducted in lanes. The order of runners is male-female-female-male. Each team will pre-position their runners in designated relay zones on the specified lanes. It will have a starting referee, and the first runner will start upon hearing the sound of the starting gun.
  9. Mixed 4x400m Relay starts in lanes. The order of runners is male-female-female-male. The first runner of each team will start from their designated lane, and all other runners will be positioned in the exchange zone near the finish line, following the instructions of the referee. The first leg of the relay is conducted in lanes without lane infringement, the second leg starts in lanes and allows lane infringement once athletes have entered the straight section. The third and fourth legs have no lane restrictions. It will have a starting referee, and the first runner will start upon hearing the sound of the starting gun.

一 运动会总则

  1. 本次乐跑运动会以交流为目的,组委会希望所有参赛运动员能安全无伤完赛。参赛的运动员可以在情况许可范围内追求更好的成绩,但请做好自我保护。所有参赛运动员须在赛前签到并签署免责声明。
  2. 乐跑俱乐部向素里市政府租用了本次运动会的场地使用权,所以场内只有参加运动会的运动员、义工和观众可以进入场地。其他日常在此场地锻炼的群众将被义工请出。
  3. 参赛运动员,义工和现场观众请接受组委会指挥,维持好赛场秩序,确保运动会顺利安全的进行。
  4. 为安全考虑,所有参赛选手不得穿带铁钉的钉鞋。
  5. 接力队建议穿统一队服,避免交接棒出现混乱。
  6. 组委会设裁判组和裁判长。由于设备有限,手动记录成绩误差太大,本次运动会将由裁判组判定名次。裁判组将在终点处设视频设备来辅助判定名次。裁判组的决定为最终决定。
  7. 关于运动会所有事宜,组委会有最终决定权。


  1. 早上8点开始入场,运动员签到并签署免责声明,热身。
  2. 8:30正式开始比赛。个人赛在前,团体赛在后,最后进行飞人对抗赛。中间将视情况穿插娱乐项目。全部赛事预期在中午12点到下午2点之间结束。具体的项目开始时间无法预估,请参赛选手务必提前到场,预留足够时间报道热身。
  3. 每个项目开始之前,参赛运动员/团队队长到终点处裁判组进行抽签决定赛道。
  4. 原则上每个项目比赛一次,决出全部名次。如果某个项目参赛人数/队伍超过8人/队,将分两组进行预赛,然后各自前3名进入决赛。亲子接力分三组预赛,每组取前两名进入决赛。组委会现场调整赛程保证预赛和决赛之间有充足的休息时间。1600m比赛因距离较长,不分组,所有参赛选手一起比赛。
  5. 全部赛事结束之后,运动会进行颁奖。每项比赛第一名颁发奖杯(由Hariyall Yoga Institute赞助);每个项目的前两名,颁发奖品。
  6. 如果某个项目比赛开始的时候,到场的参赛人/队数少于3人/队,组委会酌情延后开始该项目,直至到场参赛人数足够3人/队(但迟到的参赛队员/队伍将不计成绩)。如果一直无法满足3人/队参赛,该项目将取消。
  7. 比赛次序安排:
    • 男子100m预赛第一组
    • 男子100m预赛第二组
    • 女子100m
    • 男子100m决赛
    • 青少年100m
    • 男子400m预赛第一组
    • 男子400m预赛第二组
    • 女子400m
    • 男子400m决赛
    • 青少年800m
    • 男子1600m
    • 女子1600m
    • 混合4100m • 亲子2200m预赛第一组
    • 亲子2200m预赛第二组 • 混合4400m
    • 亲子2200m预赛第三组 • 亲子2200m决赛
    • 100m飞人对抗
    • 400m飞人对抗。


  1. 以下赛事分道进行,禁止抢道:个人100m、个人400m、4100m接力、亲子2200m接力和飞人对抗赛。赛场中设置场地裁判,确定参赛队员是否有抢道行为,以及是否在规定区域内交接棒。违反规则者可能被取消成绩。
  2. 以下赛事分道起跑,到达规定的距离/地点可以抢道:个人800m和4*400接力。赛场中设置场地裁判,确保参赛队员在规定的地点才开始抢道。违反规则者可能被取消成绩。
  3. 个人1600m赛事特殊处理。因参赛人数多,参赛选手均匀分布在8条赛道上起跑,到达规定的地点可以抢道。具体情况在现场听从组委会安排。
  4. 个人100m分道比赛。起点设发令裁判一名,挥旗裁判一名,运动员听发令板声音起跑。
  5. 个人400m分道比赛。起点设发令裁判一名,运动员听发令板声音起跑。
  6. 个人1600m起跑分道,跑完弯道进入直道的时候允许抢道。起点设发令裁判一名,运动员听发令板声音起跑。抢道处设有场地裁判,确保运动员没有犯规提前抢道。
  7. 个人800m起跑分道,跑完弯道进入直道的时候允许抢道。起点设发令裁判一名,运动员听发令板声音起跑。抢道处设有场地裁判,确保运动员没有犯规提前抢道。
  8. 混合4*100m接力分道比赛。选手次序为男女女男。各队预先将每棒选手部署到指定接力区域的制定道。起点设发令裁判一名,第一棒运动员听发令板声音起跑。
  9. 混合4*400m接力起跑分道。选手次序为男女女男。各队第一棒选手按照分道准备起跑,其他所有选手集中在终点区域,听裁判指挥上跑道接力。第一棒选手分道比赛,禁止抢道,第二棒选手起跑分道,跑完弯道进入直道的时候允许抢道。第三棒和第四棒选手没有分道限制。起点设发令裁判一名,第一棒运动员听发令板声音起跑。抢道处设有场地裁判,确保运动员没有犯规提前抢道。
  10. 亲子2*200m接力分道比赛。选手次序为先大人后孩子。各队预先将孩子部署到指定接力区域的制定道。起点设发令裁判一名,大人运动员听发令板声音起跑。
  11. 100m飞人对抗赛参赛者将现场推荐产生。有1-2名男士对阵1-2名女士。男子跑100m,女子跑85m。不同起跑点同时起跑,终点一样。其余规则同个人100m比赛。
  12. 400m飞人对抗赛参赛者将现场推荐产生。有1-2名男士对阵1-2名女士。男子跑400m,女子跑350m。不同起跑点同时起跑,终点一样。其余规则同个人400m比赛。